You are a Conciliatory therapist
What is most important to you in working life?
You observe your environment, people and relationships from an idealistic and personal point of view, but you also value a well-designed and organised working environment. You are an imaginative and independent helper, who values having their public life and inner values in balance. You are often drawn to advising and guidance work, where you can create harmony and care for others. Financial rewards are secondary to you. Your ideal organisation recognises individual needs and dedicates itself to satisfying people’s needs. You are theory-oriented and thus, you may feel at home in fields such as psychology, arts, sciences, literature or even journalism and foreign languages. In these professions, you can display your interest in new ideas and opportunities. You may find yourself working in appropriate fields as a consultant, as this line of work allows you to care for other people and use your ability to seize opportunities. You also enjoy professions where you can work independently and even alone. Routines, rules and a hierarchical environment are not to your liking”