JA Finland is part of a global Junior Achievement network.

JA Worldwide

Our operations are supported by our international Junior Achievement network, which operates in 115 countries.

Over 10 million students are mentored and inspired through our six regional operating centers to more than 500,000 JA volunteers and teachers.

JA’s regional operating centers and member countries

JA Europe

JA Europe is the largest and leading organisation in Europe dedicated to inspiring and preparing young people to succeed. In the last school year, the JA Europe network provided close to 6 million learning experiences for youth in online, in person and blended formats.

There are a total of 42 member nations in JA Europe, including JA Finland.

Learn more about JA Europe

JA Worldwide nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize

Our international network JA Worldwide has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2024. This is the third nomination over the last three years. JA Finland (Nuorten yrittäjyys ja talous NYT) is a member of JA Worldwide.

Founded 105 years ago, Junior Achievement (JA) is one of the largest youth-serving NGOs in the world, delivering over 17 million student learning experiences for employment and entrepreneurship last year. Operating in over 100 countries, JA teaches youth to develop the skillset and mindset to create businesses, find meaningful employment, and build healthy cities and towns.

JA has also operated in areas of political instability, violence, and war, helping youth build entrepreneurship skills and economic resilience.