The JA Finland partnership models offer a unique opportunity to support the growth and development of children and young people. The partnerships are customised according to their resources and objectives.
Learn more about our partnership models from the examples below, and feel free to ask us about other options!
Children simulate your company’s operations
- We will create a simulated miniature version of your company for the Yrityskylä Primary School miniature society. Your company will be run on a daily basis by groups of 3–5 sixth graders, and each group will have their own job titles and authentic work tasks for the day.
- The students will learn about different jobs in your company also in introductory lessons, during which they get to apply for a position that interests them.
- Our specialists will create for the day a story, job titles and work tasks accordingly.
Ninth-graders take over the leadership of your company
- In the Yrityskylä Secondary School game, ninth-graders manage your company and manufacture and sell your product to customers.
- Our specialists will design the game’s story based on your industry and products.
- During the exciting game, for example, the students get to write press releases for your company and participate in charity campaigns.
Upper secondary school students solve your company’s case tasks
- JA Finland’s three courses for upper secondary school students cover financial, working life and entrepreneurship skills using real-life examples.
- Together with your company, we will design a set of tasks for one of the three courses: managing your personal finances, working life skills and entrepreneurship skills.
Make your company a part of Finland’s foremost entrepreneurship event for young people
- Uskalla Yrittää, Finland’s foremost entrepreneurship event and competition for young people, brings together young entrepreneurs and fresh business ideas from all over the country.
- As our partner, you will have a seat on the jury in the Uskalla Yrittää semifinals and/or finals and your own award category in the competition.
- You get to spar with young entrepreneurs, and participate in developing young people’s work, financial and entrepreneurship skills.
Job Shadow – directors team up with young people
- Job Shadow day sees young people team up with a director or manager for the day.
- The participating decision-makers have an opportunity to hear young people’s views about working life and network with potential up-and-comers. For the young participants, Job Shadow day is an unforgettable experience.
Get your company featured in the Duunikoutsi working life application
- Duunikoutsi a free of charge, working life themed mobile application aimed at young people aged 13 to 25. Duunikoutsi contains information young people need regarding working life and job hunting.
- As our partner, you will have the opportunity to participate in developing the contents of the application (e.g. recognising your strengths, applying for jobs, CV writing skills, writing job applications, job interviews and the rules of working life) and related video materials.
- You get to help young people improve their working life and job hunting skills and help them take the first steps in their careers!