/ News, JA Company Program

Here are the best JA Companies 2019

The best Finnish JA companies were recognized in the national Uskalla Yrittää final organized by Junior Achievement Finland (Nuori Yrittäjyys ry).

The final competition held in Helsinki included more than 200 youths and the 74 JA companies established by them. Within the JA Company program, youths in the 9th grade of comprehensive school and upper secondary education (general upper secondary schools and vocational institutions) establish JA companies operating for the duration of the school year using real money. There is also a corresponding program for higher education establishments called JA Start Up. The final competition acts as the Finnish Championship event for these programs.

A panel of judges comprising thirty business professionals monitored, interviewed, and evaluated the companies set up by the youths over the two-day finals.

This year, the JA Company program is celebrating its first centenary. During the entrepreneurship education program, the youths become more confident performers, learn teamworking skills, develop an entrepreneurial attitude, and improve their financial management. Over the past school year, more than 43,000 children and youths participated in the various JA programs.

Best primary education company

Avot NY
Hämeenlinna, Nummi joint comprehensive school

“We bag the customers’ purchases at the store and help carry heavy bags to their car. Avot NY is an example of Finnish customer service at its best.”

A solid concept. Clear roles within the team. The continuity of the enterprise is considered and known. The business idea combines customer experience with sales. Scalable business operation, which could be sold on. Promotes youth employment.

The best basic education company is invited to spend a day at Microsoft and become acquainted with the operation and culture of the company.

Best secondary education company

Belle Maison NY
Oulu, Oulu Vocational College

“We manufacture interior decoration products using concrete and wood. Some of the materials used are sourced as surplus from construction sites.”

Well-branded product. Versatile team. Excellent product development and productization. The best secondary education company will represent Finland in the Company of the Year Competion held in Lille, France in July.

Best higher education company

Cuitu NY
University of Turku

”We want to create a detour from the self-destructive textile industry to more conscious consuming. We offer customers high-end design products that are made from new sustainable material innovations.”

A strong team in a number of areas. Targeting genuine international growth. The B2C concept is well-established, making products to sell. Strong language and branding skills.

The best higher education company will represent Finland in JA Europe Enterprise Challenge held in Oslo, Norway in June.

During the finals, Hempee NY was announced as the best higher education enterprise. Due to a mistake by JA Finland, the panel of judges was unaware that the company included over-aged participants. Participation in the Uskalla Yrittää final is not restricted by age, and the finals comprise five different competitions and prizes. One of these categories, i.e. the Best Higher Education JA company, has an age limit. The age limit is based on the rules of the European Championships for the JA Start Up program, where Finland will be represented by the winning team. The members of Hempee NY had provided their information correctly, and the mistake was made by JA Finland.
We deeply apologize to all affected parties.

Best sales team (primary education)

OhYes Drinks UF
Porvoo, Lyceiparkens skola 

“We are a company that produces and sells healthier soda-alternatives than what are available in stores. What makes our products interesting is that we do not use any artificials such as colorants or preservatives in our drinks and our flavours are all natural, which is uncommon in the soda industry.”

Comprehensiveness of sales. The team understands the importance of networking. Memorable entrepreneurs. Courageous approach and the ability to target the international market. Strong overall concept and sense of occasion.

Best sales team (secondary education)

Pylmi Services NY
Vantaa, Sotunki Upper Secondary School

“A staffing service company that can provide its services to both companies and individuals even at short notice, where necessary. ”

Strong delivery, good explanation of the product, impressive skills regarding the product and listening to the customer.  

Best sales team (higher education)

Hempee NY
Turku, Humak University of Applied Sciences, University of Turku, Åbo Akademi

Good communication within the team, a brave and outrageous idea, deserves credit for the idea and for having the courage to demonstrate it, a really eager team, clearly defined product and idea on how to approach the market, potential actual market, how to turn something “dirty” into gentle and acceptable.

Special prize:
Best individual entrepreneur by
 OP Kevytyrittäjä and Suomen Uusyrityskeskukset

Kahvipöllö UF (Ung Företagsamhet)
Pietarsaari, Jakobstads gymnasium

”A subscription service for coffee: coffee delivered to the customer’s home once a month.”

Best trade show stand

Kahvipöllö UF

A well-thought-out stand, which represented the entrepreneur’s wonderful business idea. Brilliant decorations that supported the brand of the company. The stand facilitated communication splendidly. Polite and natural presentation at the stand. Utilized all of the senses in a versatile manner to entice customers.  It was clear from 100 meters away what was sold at the stand. A clear overall package.

Best product

Celo NY
Joensuu, Riveria vocational institution

“We manufacture environmentally friendly urns with a Scandinavian design for funeral homes, small animal crematoriums, and individuals.”

A well-executed product, which has clear demand and sales.  The product has a good balance structure even if the pricing is quite affordable.

Best company presentation (primary education)

Ekoplastic Finland NY
Tuusula, Hyrylä upper comprehensive school

“We sell reusable bags made from marine plastic waste to stores and other operators. Within our operation, we emphasize eco-friendliness, sustainability, and environmental values.”

Clearly defined visual identity, well-rehearsed and clear presentation, natural role changes.

Best company presentation (secondary education)

Tihkuna NY
Helsinki, Stadin ammattiopisto

“Tihkuna consists of two dressmaking students who are concerned about the environmental impact of the fashion industry. The most important values of our company are eco-friendliness, quality, and functionality. We design, create the patterns, and sew our products ourselves in Helsinki. We manufacture our products on the zero-waste principle, i.e. without throwing anything away.”

Strongly emotive presentation, arouses interest. To the company and its products. Explained the operation in an interesting and emotive manner. Calm and assured presentation. Utilized technology to support the presentation and the wonderful video piqued interest. Created a desire to purchase the product. The company’s values were made clear.

Best company presentation (higher education)

Cuitu NY
Turku, University of Turku

”We offer customers high-end design products that are made from new sustainable material innovations. We also offer B2B-services by scouting new material innovators and helping them to commercialize their products.”

Solid technical implementation. The presentation was well-rehearsed, prepared, and clear. Convincing presentation: this would sell. The company is quite advanced in many ways with regard to the development of the business idea. Existing market and clear need within the textile industry. International interest.

Best sales pitch

Avot NY
Hämeenlinna, Nummi joint comprehensive school

Most liked social media publication

Keliaakikon Unelma NY
Iisalmi, Ylä-Savo Vocational College

“We produce various gluten-free, savory and sweet pastries. As our name suggests, we make celiac dreams come true by creating the pastries that people with celiac disease thought they would never get to have!”

SEB Care for ambition

Sportti Sitters NY
Tampere, Varala Sports Institute

”Sportti Sitters NY provides sporty childcare services. We offer an activity guarantee. In practice, this means that we push computers and mobile games aside for a while and play games together at home, outside or local sports facilities where possible.”

Elo best innovation

Whaly NY
Lahti, Lahti University of Applied Sciences

”Our company provides you with a perfect solution. Safe, unique and modern, Whaley will ensure perfect sleeping environment for your baby , while still delivering sustainable, ethical and beautiful choice.”

An existing market and a finished product, a visually pleasing product, a story behind the product, inspiring design, eco-friendliness, safety, and beauty all in one package.

Fennia best service

Löylypojat NY
Jyväskylä, Gradia

“We provide a comprehensive service package for replacing the stones in both wood- and electric-powered sauna heaters regardless of size and model. “

A simple, clearly defined, and well-executed concept. A novel service. The market exists and the need for the service is recurring. The stand, marketing materials, and eagerness to serve was reflected by the whole team. The description of the services provided by the company was executed well. Solid customer service.

Taaleri special award: Taaleri luola

Avot NY
Hämeenlinna, Nummi joint comprehensive school

Cuitu NY
Turku, University of Turku

OhYes Drinks UF
Porvoo, Lyceiparkens skola  

Luurihuolto NY
Vihti Upper Secondary School, Nummela

“We service mobile phones competently, affordably, and quickly. We can fix a broken screen or swap out an old battery within one hour!” 

Tihkuna NY
Helsinki, Stadin ammattiopisto

Read more about the JA companies here